You gotta love those lab mice...bless their little experimental hearts.
And speaking of walk this way, I do believe last week we proved what I learned some time can lose weight by upping your exercise and not a lot of changes to your food consumption proving the statement about inactivity having more to do with weight loss than calories consumed. Aaron and I both showed a loss on the scale last week without a lot of food adjustment.
We will share one of our new activities called the Biggest Loser Ninny Dance routine. We watch the tv show Biggest Loser and during commercials our workout consists of getting off the couch (only makes sense watching a weight loss show) and we dance around our condo. As small as it is we simply run around, dance, skip and basically act like idiots until the commercial break is over. Our place is small so this includes allowing each person passage down the hallway at a time but its fun and adds to our daily walks and other activity to keep us moving.
Now if I can just remember that this works, the moving around part and keep doing it on a regular and I mean regular basis.
I have a couple of goals going on right now I'll share. One is that when the scale reaches 150lbs I'm going to treat myself to a new pair of jeans. This is not only an incentive for me but a necessity because the jeans I do have that fit are old and in places quite thread-bare. I need new jeans.
Susan G. Koman 3-Day Walk. That means as they say 0-60 in three days. 60 miles over the course of 3 days in October. For those unfamiliar with it this is a fundraising & awareness event for breast cancer. I'll be posting more about this but in looking forward I've got to start moving more to train for this monumental event, as I keep asking "what have I gotten myself into?"